Web Marketing Tools
100% free Web Marketing Tools built in your Hosting Control Panel

With the variety of Web Marketing Tools built into the Hosting Control Panel, you can easily begin promoting your completely new web site, right after it is developed. With the RSS News syndication tool, you can quickly place a regularly kept up–to–date notifications part on your web site. Using the GeoIP re–direction tool, you can easily route your website traffic in accordance with their country. Also, with the Sitemap Generator, you can make a comprehensive sitemap for your site and submit it to the major search engines.
A Sitemap Generator
Get a sitemap with all of your web pages in an instant
The quickest way to get your newly released site indexed in the major search engines is to post a sitemap. The sitemap shows the whole set of pages on your website and by uploading it to a search engine, you tell it that you want those pages to get indexed as quickly as possible. Sitemaps are usually generated by 3rd party applications. Nonetheless, here, it is not necessary to move from the Hosting Control Panel. Foxino Hosting’s in–house made Sitemap Generator is incorporated into the Advanced Applications section and is going to generate a sitemap on your behalf with a click of the mouse.
All you have to do is select the max amount of webpages you would like to be listed, the depth of the listed URLs and the extension of the sitemap report.
GeoIP Redirection
Simple location–focused redirections
Foxino Hosting offers an uncomplicated application, which will help you narrow the visitors of your site depending on their location. For example, using the GeoIP re–direction application, you can quickly forward all the traffic coming from Spain to the Spanish variant of your site if you’ve got such. This can help you target your visitors far more accurately and provide them with the on–site stay they expect.
No specific abilities or technical experience are required to work with the GeoIP redirection application, and you will no longer have to use .htaccess files to do the job.
RSS News
Present the most up–to–date publications on your website
In the Foxino Hosting Hosting Control Panel, we’ve built in a tool, which enables you to embed information from the most well–liked information channels on this planet within your websites, with just a mouse click. Our News tool functions on auto–pilot and will not demand any extra setup work from you,
The RSS News module is fully customizable in terms of HTML and CSS. You’ll be able to adjust the actual number of news pieces that will be showcased, the way that they will appear like, exactly how they will be arranged, etcetera.